Salero Kito

Trading Hours ⏰

🕙 Last call for orders! Dine-in stops 30 mins before close, pick-up stops 15 mins before close. Thank you for choosing us! 🙏

Monday 11 am - 8 pm
Tuesday 11 am - 8 pm
Wednesday 11 am - 8 pm
Thursday 11 am - 8:30 pm
Friday 11 am - 8:30 pm
Saturday 11 am - 8:30 pm
Sunday 11 am - 6:30 pm

📍9 Rose Lane, Melbourne VIC 3000 🌟

📞 Call us now on (03) 9117 6249 to place your order and experience the deliciousness for yourself!

🍽️ Dine-In Experience 🍽️ 

Step into our vibrant and welcoming restaurant and immerse yourself in a warm and cozy atmosphere. 🏯 Our friendly staff will guide you through our menu and ensure a memorable dining experience. 

🥡 Takeaway 🥡 

Can’t wait to enjoy our mouthwatering dishes in the comfort of your own home? Take advantage of our convenient takeaway service. Simply place your order, and we’ll prepare it fresh for you to pick up. Get ready for a feast that will tantalize your taste buds! 🥡

🚚 Delivery 🚚 

Stay cozy and let us bring the flavors of Salero Kito Padang right to your doorstep. Our reliable delivery service ensures that you can savor our delectable Indonesian cuisine without leaving your home. Just sit back, relax, and let the aromatic dishes arrive at your door. 🛵